Greens and Crops USA strongly believes in the advocacy of health and preservation of mankind.
Since the beginning of time, farming was the main source of livelihood for everyone. Farmers learned how to plant efficiently and protect the nutrients of the soil through organic fertilization. They had to make sure that the soil’s fertility and integrity is maintained and preserved, as this was the ground in which their food came from.
Today, it is all about bigger produce, faster harvest time and BUSINESS. There is nothing wrong with this perspective for as long as the soil is protected so the next generation can benefit from it and that health becomes the main reason for all of this.
Our Commitment is to assure profitability and a stable and a sustainable business relationship between distributors, farmers and consumers globally.
Our Vision is to globally see more farms using our products and going organic as we develop a profitable agri-business and service with ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCE PRESERVATION AND HEALTH as the banner of our advocacy.